
Welcome to
the 26th Mediterranean Conference

The Mediterranean Solidarity Observatory is celebrating the 26th conference of the Lions Clubs of the Mediterranean in Bologna, which has always been a city of culture, art, history and established solidarity.

The theme of the topics to be covered at the conference can be summarized as follows, “Lions Promoters of the Wellbeing of the Peoples of the Mediterranean,” understood as Lions men and women and young Leos working together for a better world based on harmony and brotherhood of peoples.

Solidarity Among Peoples under the one flag of Lions

The Mediterranean Conference will be a highlight, allowing us to dialogue simultaneously with the highest institutional levels of our association.

In fact, the International President Patty Hill, the three Vice Presidents, the President of the International Foundation (LCIF) Brian E. Sheehan and most of the board will participate, as well as national and international civil institutions and the entire Multidistrict 108 Italy, which has taken great care and satisfaction in organizing this assembly.

If it is true, as it is true that Lions are the world leaders of solidarity, the Mediterranean Conference in Bologna is the essential moment to reaffirm this great principle and optimize new projects such as to increase services to communities and improve their living conditions.

Lions from countries bordering the Mediterranean have different cultures, belong to different ethnic groups, have different customs, but are united by a great passion: solidarity among peoples under the single banner of Lions Clubs International.

This very welcome fellowship succeeds in creating conditions of life and solidarity, breaking down geographical, political, economic and ideological obstacles, unifying the action of men and women in one great service oriented to the welfare of peoples.


The World Health Organization, under the auspices of the United Nations, has expressed a great postulate: “People’s health lies in well-being, physical, mental and social in perfect balance with the environment.” Hence the need to analyze and deepen the great themes of solidarity, which have always been leitmotifs of our action.

Alongside youth exchanges for the realization of a Mediterranean Camp, it is necessary to plan study sojourns in universities for deserving students in order to transfer innovative elements, both technological and scientific, to individual states.

In this period, in which we are constantly living with the findings of climate change, much importance is given to the study of the suitability of soils for the improvement of food production in order to meet the increasing needs of populations.

Youth exchanges, twinning, international services are all elements of our glorious association, which applied to the Mediterranean context can really make a difference for the well-being of peoples, happy coexistence and constant solidarity.

The Mediterranean Sea should be a tool to unite and enhance traditions and peculiarities among peoples, especially at this time of great migration flows.

Bologna proposes itself for a new charter to relaunch international solidarity at any level: political, social and economic.

Gianni Tessari